Embracing Accessibility: Empowering My Diabetes Journey with technology


Welcome to my personal journey of accessible diabetes management, where innovation and technology have transformed my life as a type 1 diabetic for 35 years. In this article, I will share my experience transitioning from multiple daily injections (MDIs) to the game-changing OmniPod 5 insulin pump, coupled with the Samsung smartphone, Google Talkback, and the invaluable Glooko app.

Time for a Change!

OmniPod 5, insulin pod, and the Dexcom G6 sensor.

After decades of managing my diabetes with MDIs, I decided it was time for a change. Enter the OmniPod 5 insulin pump, a revolutionary device that has transformed my diabetes management. With its tubeless design and hassle-free application, I now enjoy the freedom of a tube-free life, no longer tethered to injections. The OmniPod 5 has become my trusted companion, delivering insulin with precision and convenience. Paired with the Samsung smartphone and the use of Google Talkback, I have regained control over my insulin delivery methods.

Ed placeing the Dexcom G6, and applying the sensor

Alongside the OmniPod 5, the Dexcom continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) system has provided me with invaluable real-time insights into my glucose levels. No longer reliant on frequent finger pricks, the Dexcom CGM keeps me informed and in control. The Samsung smartphone, enhanced by Google Talkback, acts as my accessibility partner, ensuring I can effortlessly access vital information and alerts. This combination of technology empowers me to make informed decisions and take proactive steps towards managing my diabetes effectively.

Samsung Smartphone with Google Talkback: The Gateway to Accessibility

My Samsung S22, equipped with Google Talkback, has become the central hub of my accessible diabetes management. Through its gesture based screen reader, I can navigate the OmniPod 5 and DexCom apps. From adjusting insulin delivery settings to accessing critical data, the Samsung smartphone, combined with Google Talkback, has become my trusted guide in this diabetes journey. With a touch and a swipe, I am in control, integrating technology into my daily life, and diabetes management routine.

Glooko: Unlocking Insights and Collaboration

To further enhance my diabetes management, I rely on the invaluable Glooko app. This powerful tool allows me to view past insulin and glucose data, ensuring my adjustments are accurate and well-informed. With Glooko, I can analyze trends, track patterns, and gain valuable insights into my diabetes management. Moreover, Glooko enables me to share my diabetes data with my healthcare team, enabling us to make more informed decisions together.

Promoting Independence through Accessibility

Since embracing the OmniPod 5, Samsung smartphone, Google Talkback, and Glooko app, my diabetes management has taken a remarkable turn. My A1c, which started just over 8 before the transition to an insulin pump, now stands at under 6. This significant improvement can be attributed to the accessibility offered by this powerful quartet. With the freedom to adjust my insulin delivery, access real-time glucose insights, and analyze historical data, I have taken charge of my diabetes journey with a newfound confidence and determination.

Disclaimer: This blog post provides informational content about the OmniPod 5, DexCom G6, and Glooko application and their accessibility with the Android Talkback system and Samsung smartphones. However, it is not intended as medical advice or a recommendation to start using any insulin pump. Readers are strongly advised to consult their healthcare provider about the system's suitability for their individual needs and to seek guidance on how to initiate the use of the OP5 system. The author's experiences are based on personal use and do not constitute an endorsement of any specific product or medical device company. Device compatibility and information may change over time, so it is essential to verify the latest details with manufacturers and healthcare professionals.

Learn more about each part of the System

Ed using a braille display during a demonstration at the MonTech office.

Ed Worrell

Ed Worrell lost his eyesight completely after undergoing 11 eye surgeries over a span of nine months, with his final surgery taking place in June 2008, just one week after marrying his wife, Becky. Together, they now operate OverHere Consulting, where they focus on accessibility and inclusion. Over the past three years, Ed has delivered presentations on accessibility at major conferences across Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming, as well as with large technology companies. A guide dog handler for 13 years, Ed is currently partnered with his second dog, Helen, who helps him navigate daily life and his professional work.

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